Archive | August, 2012

John Farnham, Radish and Cooking?!

19 Aug

Sadly I was a John Farham fan as a kid. By kid I mean 10 years old or so and it was probably influenced by my parents. I remember vaguely going to a John Farham concert and I fell asleep on the grass mid-way through only for my excited parents to wake me up when “(take the) Pressure down” started up. I think I bounced up, listened to the song then went back to sleep.

Most geeks would disown me for that, and apart from the grass I fell asleep on there isn’t much gardening, so i’ll need to link this anecdote back to cooking somehow. 🙂

Yesterday I had a bit of Japanese day in the kitchen. Vegetable stuffed beef rolls for lunch then Terikyaki chicken and dashi flavoured pumpkin for dinner. While I was shopping for some of the ingredients I picked up a huge white radish aka Daikon for $2, it was such a bargin it was one of those moments where you buy the odd ingredient and challenge yourself to cook with it. So to tie John Farhnam, cooking and Daikon together continue:

Daikon, like most radishes, seem to be most suitable to salads. In my travels I came across this Tuna, Blacked peas and Radish salad and decided to knock it up with some pork cutlets. I only had some dried black-eyed peas and not alot of time to soak them overnight. So again, back to Dr Google and I found this interesting piece. All I needed to do was soak them for a few hours then simmer for 1 – 1 1/2 hours. That’ll hit my 7pm dinner deadline easy. But the amazing thing is the table towards the bottom of the page.

Soaked beans – simmer for 1 – 1 1/2 hrs OR use a pressure cooker for 5 – 8 min

5 – 8 min – are you kidding me! That’s super fast. You can tell i’ve never used a pressure cooker but with type of time savings I’m pretty tempted to.

Is that right? Does a pressure cooker really do the same job in a tiny tiny fraction of the time. If you’ve used

Smart food choice apps in Australia

10 Aug

I came across this brilliant run down of 9 apps to help you make better choices with your food choices. A few of them work in Australia but most, especially the locavore & track your food to the source type apps, are US based only.

I’ve started digging but would love your help tracking down some good Australian based apps of similar theme. Topics I’d love to see are:

  • Grow your own food
  • Eat local
  • Responsible restaurants
  • Sustainable companies and industries (seafood etc)
  • Healthy food options – best I’ve found is the FoodSwitch app from BUPA
  • Seasonal produce
  • “What’s on” in terms of farmers markets etc.

What other topics can you think of? Shoot me your thoughts!